I have the joy of co-leading the college-age small group and it truly is a joy to be in community with them as we intentionally walk through a book of the Bible together. It’s one of the highlights of my week to open the book of James and discuss the living and...
If your small group meets on Wednesday nights, you may have heard our kids starting their new curriculum. No worries, the screams you heard down the hall were out of excitement. They began a new curriculum called Team KID, which stands for Kids in Discipleship. The...
Serving churches are growing churches, and serving Christians are growing Christians. It’s just that simple. God has placed His people within the church to serve one another (Hebrews 10:24-25) and He has graciously equipped His people for a ministry of service...
Have you ever heard the question, “how do you eat an elephant?” The answer, “one bite at a time”, may seem obvious, but can be forgotten if our attention if riveted on the elephant. This simple question and answer provides an approach to bring...