Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

You’ve likely heard this saying in some form or another at Coats or perhaps at some point during your Christian walk: “The Spirit inside you is better than Jesus beside you.” Praise God for this truth! As believers, we possess the gift of the Holy...

What Builds Community?

Community. If there is anything people are looking for after the events of the past two years, it is true community. Although this has been highlighted during our current cultural moment, community has always been a need in the human heart. Most people seek greater...

An Easter Thought

What comes to your mind when you think about Easter? Forgiveness. Life. Spring. Joy. In John 20:19-23 it’s interesting that on the first Easter, Jesus appears to his disciples and tells them, “Peace be with you.” 19 On the evening of that day, the...

It Wasn’t the Bush

The bush didn’t deserve the credit. In Exodus 3:1-17, God gave Moses a significant, yet humbling reminder before using him for His service. You remember the story: God allowed Moses to spend 40 years as a humble shepherd, after having him spent his first 40 growing up...