An Update on Pastor Neal’s Mom written by Neal Thornton, Senior Pastor (March 24, 2023) Our world is full of sick people. The fall of man in the Garden of Genesis 3 introduced suffering as part of the human experience. Not only does our Lord know the depths of...
Women’s Ministry: Friendship and Discipleship written by Stephanie Womick, Women’s Ministry Guest Author (March 20, 2023) Hannah More, a Christian poet and champion of the British Sunday School movement in the early nineteenth century, is not widely known...
Prayer – A Few Simple Tips and Strategies written by Jimmy Newkirk, Associate Pastor (March 11, 2023) Do you trust God with the whole of your life? If so, why don’t we pray more? Most of us make plenty of excuses. I’m guilty. Let’s address spiritual excuses in a...
Give Me Wisdom written by Haley King, Children & Family Ministries Coordinator (March 5, 2023) As conversations in the world began to look more and more controversial by the day, it is important that we stop and ponder how godly conversation and behavior fit in....