Be Still…

Be still and know that I am God. That verse from Psalm 46 is known, loved, and quoted by many, myself included. It’s comforting and helpful in the midst of the chaos around and in us. That’s IF we actually do what it says. And that essentially means doing...

Pray for Your Pastors

Last week, I spent the week studying at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with leaders from other North American churches. It was a wonderful time of reflection as we celebrated how God is mobilizing churches in North America; however, we also spent time in...

Which Way Are the Flags Flying?

I’ve found that in pastoral ministry, there are a few areas of practical theology that seem to always be relevant among God’s people. For example, the issue of the assurance of salvation. That’s a biggie, and rightfully so. For some people it’s a real struggle. A...

Something Needs to Change

“Why has it been rare for me to be so moved by the needs of others that I have fallen on my face before God and wept?”, asks David Platt in the book, Something Needs to Change. A few weeks ago our youth group watched a live simulcast related to this book. ...