October 31, 2021 at Coats Baptist Church (CBC) is Homecoming Sunday, and it’s a “big deal” for several reasons. We’re gathering together for ONE service, sharing a lunch together, having a fall festival of sorts with games and activities for...
Three years ago, I started using pre-written prayers in my personal time with God. Quickly, this became one of my favorite ways to pray. It was amazing to see how these prayers moved from words on my lips to intentions of my hearts before God. I would like to share a...
As you might recall from my last blog post, I am in a season of change. Things have calmed down as I have gotten into some daily routines and slowly navigated new relationships and responsibilities. This past month I have prayed for God to simple give me wisdom. It’s...
In reading through the Old Testament, I’ve been intrigued with the idea of kingship. Why a king? What distinguishes a king from a leader of less formal authority, such as Moses? What sets a king apart from a judge, such as Gideon or Samuel? In the book of...