What Do Deacons Do?

What Do Deacons Do?

What Do Deacons Do? written by Neal Thornton, Senior Pastor (April 14, 2024) The English word “deacon” is a transliteration of the Greek word diakonos (Gk: διάκονος) which means “servant.” The noun form diakonia is translated “service.” The verb form diakoneo “to...
Selecting Deacons: Thoughts on Acts 6

Selecting Deacons: Thoughts on Acts 6

Selecting Deacons: Thoughts on Acts 6 written by Neal Thornton, Senior Pastor (January 14, 2024) Last year I began preaching through the book of Acts on Sunday mornings. It’s been a true delight to see the early formation of God’s people, indwelled and accompanied by...
Does Divorce Disqualify?

Does Divorce Disqualify?

Does Divorce Disqualify? written by Neal Thornton, Senior Pastor (August 20, 2022) As a Christian first and a local church pastor second, I am continually reminded that Christians are in the “people business.” To be a follower of Christ means to be in the church and...
Can Women Be Deacons?

Can Women Be Deacons?

Can Women Be Deacons? written by Neal Thornton, Senior Pastor (July 30, 2022) That’s a loaded question! I write this post at a strategic time as the office of deacon is on our minds. Each August our church selects new deacon candidates for the next calendar year. As a...