Prayer Priorities written by Jimmy Newkirk, Associate Pastor (June 21, 2023) What do you pray for? What gets the most attention in your prayers? To be more specific, do matters of greatest importance receive the greatest priority in your prayer life? Alistair Begg, in...
Guard Your Words written by Haley King, Children & Family Ministries Coordinator (June 13, 2023) Often held but never touched, always wet but never rusts, often bites but seldom bit, to use me well you must have wit. What am I? James touches on something that we...
Greatly to Be Praised written by Jonathan Waggett, Worship Pastor (June 4, 2023) My wife and I spent the last several days in western NC to celebrate her birthday and a friend’s wedding. While there, we took every opportunity to spend time soaking in the majesty...