A Call to Love

“What are you doing for Valentine’s Day?” If this were a sitcom the question would likely be asked of a clueless guy who has nothing planned.  This would be followed by all sort of embarrassing blunders as the guy tries to pull something together at the last minute....

Where Do We Go From Here?

Recent events are the latest in a long line of happenings over the last several months that expose weaknesses in our culture, our nation, and our churches.  As Christians, how do we respond?  Where do we go from here? In some ways 2020 really began in March last...

The Source of Faith

Have you ever looked up to someone you never met?  For Christians, this is a loaded question usually followed by a list of Biblical heroes.  Others will point to people from history.  Great figures that made an impression on this world.  I have a hero like that.  His...

The Faith of a Dog

Before I say anything else I need to make a statement about faith.  When Dr. Keathley was at Coats Baptist Church he talked about faith as an action word, not a passive word.  Faith is not believing the bungee cord will hold you; faith is jumping from the bridge and...

Why Are We Here?

Have you ever lived in a time when there is so much noise?  It is almost overbearing.  People arguing and shaking their fists (literally or metaphorically).  Everything seems to be measured by extremes.  In areas of politics, religion, race, medicine, and public...