Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
Uncategorized Jonathan WaggettYou’ve likely heard this saying in some form or another at Coats or perhaps at some point during your Christian walk: “The Spirit inside you is better than Jesus beside you.” Praise God for this truth! As believers, we possess the gift of the Holy Spirit within us to guide, comfort, reveal, convict, teach, strengthen, and transform.
As we go about our days, we can rejoice that the promise of Helper to the disciples (John 16:7) was fulfilled in the coming of the Spirit. That truth can either go to waste or become life-changing depending on how we live our lives. Here are a couple questions for you to consider: Do you live reliant on yourself or dependent upon God? Do you live a crucified life? Do you even know what that means?
The familiar verse from Galatians reminds us that our lives are no longer our own when we are in Christ. And Christ is in us. (Yes, I’m using “Christ” and “the Spirit” within us interchangeably at this point because it’s not only biblical but also practical because of the scripture and song title discussed in the remainder of this post. If you need a Trinity 101 talk, call Pastor Neal…)
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. – Galatians 2:20
He gave Himself for us and He gave us the Spirit. What an indescribable gift and undeserved blessing!
And this life with all its blessing is ours not because of anything we did, but only through Christ’s work. The power that we have access to in the midst of weakness? It’s not our own but Christ’s power in us. The ability to worship and thank God during moments or seasons of sorrow? It’s not from ourselves but from Christ who provides hope, peace, and joy.
We’ve begun singing a newer hymn at Coats called “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me” that leads us to remember and praise God for this life in Christ. May it encourage you and become an anthem over your life.
To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus
All the glory evermore to Him
When the race is complete still my lips shall repeat
Yet not I, but through Christ in me
As we say here at Coats, it’s all about Him! So take a moment to worship the Him who has gone before you, walks beside you, and is WITHIN you!