School Is In Session

written by Jonathan Waggett, Worship Pastor (August 30, 2023)

It’s the end of August and that means school is in session! Campbell University students began their fall semester a week ago and area public schools are in their first week of classes. Teachers, professors, administrators, and other faculty members are back to the daily grind. Families are getting back into routines. And churches - churches have great gospel opportunities before them. 

So what can YOU do? Start with prayer. And don’t stop praying. Below are some suggested ways to pray for students. (This list is not exhaustive.)


1. Pray for believers to trust in the Lord. 

For those navigating a new semester who have a relationship with the Lord, pray that they would trust their lives, plans, children, and work to the Lord. He is sovereign and good. Yet in the midst of stress and difficult days, our struggles get in the way of rightly seeing and trusting God at work. Pray that as believers grow in their trust in the Lord, their lives would be a testimony of God to the watching unbeliever. 


2. Pray for tangible needs to be met. 

When school goes back in session, problems arise. Needs become apparent - physical, emotional, mental. Pray for opportunities to meet needs. And then go meet them! People are more receptive to spiritual conversations once other basic needs have been met. If you pray for opportunities, God will provide you with opportunities. Then actively care for them. 


3. Pray for Gospel advancement. 

God can build His Kingdom without us. But He chooses to use us! Pray to that end. Pray for the name of Jesus to be made known among the nations here in our community. As Raleigh grows outward and Campbell brings in students from everywhere, the nations are coming to us. Pray for Great Commission work to be accomplished for His glory through us. Through you. 


Let’s talk Campbell University

I also encourage you to prayer walk Campbell’s campus. You don’t have to engage with any students or faculty while doing so, but you can! Pray, pray, pray. God will bless. We’ve already seen many students come to Coats Baptist in the last two weeks - on Sunday mornings and for Monday evening small group. They desire to discover truth in community. So when you see a Campbell student at CBC on a Sunday morning, speak to them. Invite them to lunch. Tell them that we want to see them thrive and belong in the local church during their time at CU. Praise God some of you did that for me as a Campbell student thirteen years ago! One conversation can go a long way. 


Local Public Schools

If you didn’t know, we have many local public school teachers in our congregation. Connect with them to see how you can serve their classrooms and kids. If you don’t know any of them, reach out to anyone on our staff. We’ll point you in the right direction. Again, pray. But don’t stop there. Seek ways to serve through giving of your resources and time. They need mentors, supplies, and volunteers.


And if you yourself fall into the category of student, teacher, professor, or faculty member - know that we are praying for you. I am praying for you. May God’s grace in your life abound and may you grow in more ways than you can imagine this school year!