
Life is Better Together

Being a follower of Jesus is challenging. He calls us to live differently than the world around us and step outside of our comfort zone. Groups and Sunday School classes at Coats are designed to help you grow closer to God and to one another in a smaller, comfortable setting.

Available groups are listed below. If you have any group life questions, email

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Class Day Time Ages Locations Location Topic Childcare? Status
Couples Small Group (Led by Jimmy Newkirk) Monday 7:00-9:00pm 18+ (Offsite) The Newkirk's Home No Open
Prayer Meeting & Philippians (Led by Jimmy Newkirk) Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm 18+ CBC On-Campus CBC On-Campus - Room 203 Yes Open
Women: Sermon on the Mount (Led by Stephanie Womick) Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm 18+ CBC On-Campus CBC On-Campus - Room 204 Yes Open
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