A Season of Celebration
Uncategorized Haley KingThe month of December is a season of celebration for Christians all around world, as we celebrate the long-awaited arrival of Jesus. This year many of us are also probably also celebrating the end of 2020. Without a doubt, this year has been one for the history books.
However, if we pause and reflect, Coats Baptist Church has many reasons to celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2020. Among all the chaos, this year has been an incredible year of growth for our church. Yes, we have had a lot of babies born, which is wonderful, but we have also seen many children accept Christ as their Lord Saviour. Now that is something worth celebrating!
This advent season I am reading an Advent devotional by Nancy Wolgemuth called Consider Jesus. I am 5 days into advent and have already stopped to consider things which I have never taken the time to celebrate.
For example, in Genesis 3 the Fall transpires. Often when I read this chapter, I merely mourn the entrance of sin into the world. After reading the story again this week, I began to also celebrate God’s presence and provision. Even after humanity rebelled, God stepped in. God came to the garden. He justly punished the sin, and in His mercy, He provided a sacrifice for their sin. (Genesis 3:7-8)
Families as this year (finally) comes to an end, I challenge you to simply pause and consider Jesus.
Consider how His birth changed everything.
Consider how He has changed your lives.
Consider how He is changing your lives.
Consider how He will change your lives.
Consider how He can change your children’s lives.
Consider how He changed the world.
You see, when little baby Jesus was born in a manger, He changed everything.
Just after encouraging his audience to “Run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus,” the author of Hebrews says, “For consider him who endured such hostility from sinners against himself, so that you won’t grow weary and give up.” (Hebrews 12:1-3) 2021 is quickly approaching. Follow the exhortation in Hebrews. Consider Jesus so that you will not grow weary and so that you can faithfully run the race set before you in 2021.