Come Adore
Uncategorized Jonathan WaggettEvery Christmas at Coats (also/formerly known as the Christmas musical, cantata, or worship night) has a subtitle based off a song title from the program. Or at least, that’s been my practice for the last few years. As an aside: I can’t believe this is my SIXTH Christmas at Coats! I’m humbled by God’s hand at work in and through Coats Baptist. I hope you are as well! So much so that all we can do is worship and adore our humble King, Jesus.
The 2021 Christmas at Coats subtitle is Come Adore based on the song, “Come Adore the Humble King” by Matt Papa and Matt Boswell. Do those names sound familiar to you? They should. I recently introduced and wrote about their modern hymn, “Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord).” These modern hymn-writers have also written new carols for the church. And they’re good! Below are the lyrics, some thoughts, and then a link to worship Christ with this song. I encourage you to take the next few minutes at the feet of Jesus.
Come adore the humble King
Lowly in the manger
Fall before His majesty
Hail the little Savior
Hope what hope no tongue could tell
God has come with us to dwell
His name is Emmanuel
O praise the humble King
Come adore in humble state
He the song of angels
Join the wise who call His name
And with all creation
Who oh who would condescend
God unknown now calls us friend
Love that none could comprehend
O praise the humble King
Come adore the King who came
To our world to save us
Born to heal our prideful race
Crown us with forgiveness
Fall oh fall before the one
Who in mercy left His throne
Christ the Lord God’s only Son
His glories now we sing
O praise the humble King
Come adore come adore
Come adore the King
Bow before come adore the
Name above all names
If you’re like me, Christmas is a busy time. In the midst of preparing for Christmas events and services, I can easily fail at what this song tells us to do. For our good and for God’s glory. We’re reminded to come adore, fall before, hail, praise, bow before, and call on the name of Jesus. How much time do you find yourself doing these things during this season?
I fall short.
But praise God for who He is and the reasons we are compelled and called to do these things. He’s our humble King who has brought hope that no tongue could tell, dwells with us, calls us friend, loves beyond comprehension, crowns us with forgiveness, and came to save and heal us.
So when I fall, I worship. When you fall, assume the posture of our humble King and bow before Him. Don’t let this season pass by without growing in your praise and worship to the One who is worthy of all.
I can’t wait to join in with you to worship King Jesus at Christmas at Coats and other Christmas services this December!