Approaching the Throne

Uncategorized // October 10, 2020 //

Scripture has stated very clearly that God has called us to a purpose driven life. That is a life with a specific focus, a specific aim, a kingdom-focused life. We are no longer like a lost sheep wandering around aimlessly with no direction or purpose!

Our young married small group is beginning to study Hebrews, and over the past week God has continuously brought Hebrews 10:19-25 to my mind.

Just to recap, in the first half of Hebrews, we have already seen that God set up a system where sinful and rebellious men like us could approach Him. In the Old Testament, this was confined to Levitical Law. Now, Christ provides access to God. Through His resurrection, He became the Great High Priest who intercedes on our behalf. And now, we have access to a personal relationship with the Living God.

The song “Boldly I Approach” comes to mind when I read this passage because it accurately captures the wonder of this concept:

By grace alone somehow I stand

Where even angels fear to tread

Invited by redeeming love

Before the throne of God above


The Great I am the Lord is here

Boldly I approach your throne

Blameless now I’m running home

By your blood I come

Welcomed as your own

Into the arms of majesty

Because of the blood of Christ, we have access every day to the Living God, and we get to approach Him with confidence. We get to experience the presence of a Holy God daily. How amazing is that? Our response to that should be one of praise and thanksgiving. How often do you take time to reflect on this simple truth? I would encourage you to set time aside this week to approach God, with your only intention being to praise Him and thank Him that we get to step into His presence.

Hebrews 10:19-25 offers three exhortations for us in light of this new reality.

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith”

How then do we draw near to God? We do this through intimate worship and personal devotion to God. We must spend time in humble recognition of who we are and who is. When you wake up early, draw near to Him. Throughout your day draw near to Him. End your day by drawing near to Him.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who is promised is faithful.”

God keeps his promises! Hold fast to His faithfulness. This should sustain us throughout each hour, day, month, and even throughout our years. This hope is eternal! Constantly invest in your spiritual growth by relying on His promises. Throughout your day, when your strength fails and the frustration of everyday life sets in, meditate on His promises because God is faithful, and our hope is found in Him.

“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works”

The consideration in Hebrews requires you to study and invest in the lives of others. It is a selfless consideration. Careful consider and encourage one another that you may lead your brother or sister to Christ-glorifying deeds. Be intentional in your fellowship with one another. You should prioritize the time that is set aside to meet with the Body, whether it is through Sunday School, Sunday morning service, or home-groups. How is God calling you to stir up one another in your own community of faith?

As the author Hebrews encourage us, I to encourage you to live a life marked with intimate worship, continuous sanctification, and intentional fellowship.

About Haley King